Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PBL and 21st Century Fluency Project

Well I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I have been busy learning from the Buck Institute and Lee Crockett.  Both of these professional developments were fabulous and the information given is a framework within a framework.  I am going to share my ideas on how I will implement this training with my fellow teachers and instructional coaches.  First let's start with the Buck Institute Training which was given by Tim Kubik.  He did a fabulous job of giving us clear and process information with time to collaborate as a group to develop our project idea.  The project overview template which I have attached below gives you all the key questions and things you need to think about when developing your project.  Creating your project idea, driving question, and how you will create an environment for your students that involves them in using their 21st Century Skills.  Please take a look at the link below before you move on.





These resources that BIE provides helps teachers collaborate, design, and implement their projects using 21st century skills.  Lee Crockett's professional development included talking about the five fluencies to create a global digital citizenship for our students.  The solution fluency given me a framework structure to train my students on developing their project idea.  The solution fluency includes the 6 D's:  define, discover, dream, design, deliver, and debrief.  You can find all information on the 21st Century Fluency Project at:


The Buck Institute gives us a lot of "how" to design the projects plus making sure the learning is relevant and beneficial for our students were they are still learning concepts needed.  The BIE website will also give you rubrics for collaboration and presentation, but how I see Lee Crocketts fluencies woven into project-based learning is teaching the students "HOW" to collaborate.  How do we teach our students to be creative?  "How" do we teach our students authenticity with information on the internet?  The 21st Century Fluencies gives teachers a framework to facilitate discussions with students in order to increase their collaboration, creativity, and innovation.  Increasing in these areas is the overall goal of project-based learning.  What do you think?  Please leave comments on my blog to discuss.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post! Thanks for sharing the how involved in the pbl. I hadn't thought about the 6 Ds before.

    I found that the Langwitches blog on converting your KWL to a KWHL was a great complement to this too.

    Again thanks for sharing this!

    Kind regards,
    Tracy Watanabe
